Quick Overview for Total Newcomers

5 March 2009
For more detail, click the "Introduction" button at the top left of the menu bar.

What's an Uilleann Pipe(s)?
It's the Irish indoor bagpipe, the world's most complex type. It features an advanced melody pipe that jumps the octave like orchestral woodwinds. For learning, the instrument is usually bought in stages: melody first, humming drone-pipes later, and optional harmony pipes after several years if the piper is interested.

What's a "Penny-Chanter?"
Pictured above--it's a new way to build the melody-pipe of the instrument that I invented in the 1990's while studying performance problems of some modern traditional pipes. It plays traditionally, sounds traditional and is especially dependable for learning and performing.

Who We Are
I'm pipemaker David Daye, a 42 year player of the Scottish bagpipes (warpipes) at an advanced amateur level, with 25 on the Irish uilleann pipes including traditional solo and band contests, playing for traditional dancers, and stage band peforming. I did a lot of testing and experimenting on uilleann pipes and reeds, published extensively on the web and in piping magazines, and developed several new ways of offering reeds and pipes. I'm supported in our in-home shop full time by my wife Beth Ann, who manages the accounts and builds most of the nonmusical parts of the instrument. --And yes, we're anxious for Spring to let us out of the house!

Here's a sound sample of David playing Scottish pipes outdoors in 2001; and David & Beth on uilleann pipes and bodhran (drum) onstage in the Columbus band Innisheer in 1990.

Why Innovation?
Well there's nothing at all wrong with the uilleann pipes, intrinsically. Many modern instruments, although beautifully crafted, were difficult and unreliable to operate. Even the Irish-born contest judge who qualified me to compete for the All-Ireland championship had given up on pipes he owned.

The Birth of David Daye Pipes
My new approaches, originally intended for experimenting, translated to dramatically lower cost and less temperamental instruments than had ever been possible. I christened my melody-pipe invention the "Penny-Chanter" in honor of the lowly yet expressive penny-whistle, and the world's first owner-buildable, budget priced uilleann pipe was born. We also introduced the first uilleann pipe kits, and were the first makers to guarantee the legendarily temperamental natural reeds for delivery in working condition into any climate on earth.

I have a long background of teaching pipes, sailing and computer technology, plus years of customer service and support, so I'm very comfortable creating extensively-illustrated user documentation and supporting our instruments. We also support do-it-yourself pipers, selling individual components and some materials.

Daye Pipes Into the Future
We're now making more complete instruments, in more musical keys than the most common Concert D, and we're expanding into fully traditional yet cost-saving construction in both artificial materials and instrument-grade hardwoods. Anything the uilleann pipes can do, we'll have Daye pipes doing!