Echinacea purpurea 'Big Sky Sunset' Purple Cone Flower
Shasta Daisy through the eyes of a small child.
Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies'
Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple After the Rain
Madronna and Wild, Madronna (Arbutus) tree with open sky above.
Mai's Eye. In the eye of a horse, all secrets are revealed.
Orange Sherbet Clouds
Pansy Faces
Saponaria ocymoides, Rock Soapwort Blossom is less than 1" across. Very dainty, very lovely.
Weathered Post
Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum' Heart of a Purple Poppy
Red Barn Wall
Kniphofia uvaria 'Red Hot Poker' Spectacular, tall perennial. This photo is of the bottom half of the blossom.
Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' 5' tall accent plant.
Sailor's Delight. Red sunset. All natural colors.
A Golden Evening after a Golden Day.