Irish Uilleann Pipe Penny-Chanters
High Performance Budget Uilleann Pipes
Sets, Chanters & Easy-Assemble Kits for Learning and Performing
Components for Home Builders

May 2023
Shop Fully Open

Please refresh all pages for latest news and prices. Most pages have old dates but prices are still current. Many updates will be coming in a few weeks but all prices will be honored from the time you place any order.
Uilleann Pipes Save Lives
This statement has not been evaluated by any sane agency.

Introduction for Complete Newcomers: Click Here for details.

New set, drone and kit orders [placed now] expected to ship late winter 2024.

Chanter orders are not yet caught up to delivery estimates but I'm gaining steadily.

New 2023 Chanter Windcap Stop-Key Upgrade

Optional upgrade to windcap for sets with drones. Allows temporary chanter shutoff to help when tuning drones using bottom hand. Click Here for photo and details.

Make a Quick-Finish Traditional Chanter Reed

Click Here for instruction page. This is a dependable method to build tradtional style reeds in a fraction of the turnaround time. Reeds can be scraped within minutes of binding, after a heat-settling process, as dependably as if they had rested traditionally for several weeks.

Chanter Rack

E-mail is now working. To E-mail David Daye, click here
E-mail David for order status questions. Be sure your service provider and your own spam filter are allowing incoming mail from everyone at

Telephone 330-923-DAYE (3293)
Hours: Days 9-5 or evenings 7-9 PM East Coast Time (Same as New York City)

Unanswered e-mail?
Has your e-mail gone unanswered for more than 2 days? My service provider has a spam filter. Perhaps your message has been deleted.

Perhaps YOUR spam filter is blocking our reply to you. Be sure you are allowing incoming mail from

You can also try our family local address, but please only if you've had no answer from me: Family local e-mail.

My Original Ohio e-mail at OSU.EDU has been closed.

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